Come December 14 and superstar Fardeen Khan will tie the knot with Natasha Madhvani, daughter of Mayur Madhavani and yesteryear actress Mumtaz. "I am looking forward to my marriage. Ideally, I would like to have a simple ceremony without any shenanigans. But it is the elders who insist that we have a grand marriage. After all it is the first marriage in the family. Even my brother Zayad is getting married around the same time. So we are going to be busy," he smiles. What saddens Fardeen is the fact that whenever any drug case comes up in the media, his name is inevitably mentioned. "I don't know why people write my name. I don't do drugs anymore. My case had happened four years ago. It was pretty long back. I wonder why people haven't been able to forget it." At the moment, this Khan is looking forward to settling down. "It is going to be the most wonderful moment of my life," he smiles.
Fardeen & Koena meets the winner of Dandiya contest!
By Manav Manglani,
Venue: High Street Pheonix, Lower parel, Mumbai, tue nite
Present: Fardeen Khan, Koena Mitra, Gulshan Grover, Kay Kay and Rangita Nandy.
PNC films organised a Dandia Nite for the lucky winners of the Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena contest where winners got the chance to play Dandia with the cast of the movie.