Michael Lynton and Amy Pascal of Sony Pictures Entertainment and Uday Singh, General Manager of Sony Pictures Releasing of India Ltd. have announced a unique collaboration with one of India’s well-known and acclaimed directors, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, to co-produce Sony’s first Indian film, SAAWARIYA [Beloved], in Hindi language.
In an official statement sent by Sony to this writer, Lynton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of S.P.E., states, “This is a defining moment for us as a company and for film-makers, artists and audiences in India as well.”
Adds Pascal, Vice Chairman of S.P.E. and Chairman of the Motion Picture Group, “Bhansali’s body of work has been in a class of its own. We are indeed proud to associate with one of India’s most revered directors.”
“It marks the dawn of a new and exciting chapter in the life of Sony Pictures Releasing, India,” revealed Singh.
There’s no denying that the green-lighting of a Hindi film by a major Hollywood studio is a momentous landmark for the Indian motion picture business.