It would have a first time experience for the stars of the film industry! Four of the Bollywood actors were stuck at the Delhi airport on Saturday while returning after doing their temptations concert in Delhi. It would have been an easy flight like any other for Priyanka Chopra, Esha Deol, Rani Mukerji and Zayed Khan had it not been for the fog that covered the entire airport that made it impossible for the flight to take off. But the four of them found a way to entertain themselves by playing antakshari with Abhijeet Sawant and Shweta Pandit, who were also a part of their team. Zayed Khan was supposed to leave by the earlier flight with Shah Rukh Khan but later decided to stay on. “After what happened, I am sure Zayed will think twice before changing his plans”, says an exhausted Priyanka. While Shah Rukh’s flight left on time, the other flight got stuck due to the thick fog that surrounded the airport. Finally, they checked in a hotel in Delhi and took the morning flight to return t their schedules in Mumbai.