¼ÁàÍÒÁÒ½Ò¡¨Ò¡ indiafm.com ÍèÐ ¼ÙéÃÙéªèÇÂá»Å˹èÍ¡Ñêº ¢Íº¤Ø³ËÅÒÂæ ¹¡áÅ Yet another honor was bestowed upon Mr. Yash Chopra on Thursday, September 8. Superbrands International's "Superbrand Award" was presented to Mr. Chopra. The purpose of this organization, that operates in 44 countries is to promote brand management and also recognize outstanding brands. These awards are equivalent to the Oscars . This award was an acknowledgement of all the work that Yash Chopra has done till date. He has provided wholesome entertainment over the decades. His contribution to Hindi cinema has been tremendous. The Superbrand Council members select brands for the ceremony, every year, according to the credentials of the brand. These brands are short listed after an elaborate selection process. This is more of a cause for celebration for Mr. Yash Chopra because he is the first person from the Indian Film Industry, to be presented with this award.