That Yashraj films Dilwale Dhulaniya Le Jaayenge has completed 500 weeks at Mumbai's Maratha Mandir theatre. The only film that has run continuously beating the record set by Ramesh Sippy's Sholay. And to think that SRK almost did not do the film. Said Yash Chopra, "Shahrukh Khan did not want to do a mushy romantic film. It was Aditya who convinced him. Aditya told SRK that with this film his fans would increase manifold right from age 8 to 80. And his words came true." Chopra maintained that DDLJ was a miracle and that the film would be soon completing 10 years of successful run.
That Yashraj films Dilwale Dhulaniya Le Jaayenge has completed 500 weeks at Mumbai's Maratha Mandir theatre. The only film that has run continuously beating the record set by Ramesh Sippy's Sholay. And to think that SRK almost did not do the film. Said Yash Chopra, "Shahrukh Khan did not want to do a mushy romantic film. It was Aditya who convinced him. Aditya told SRK that with this film his fans would increase manifold right from age 8 to 80. And his words came true." Chopra maintained that DDLJ was a miracle and that the film would be soon completing 10 years of successful run.